Walter Braunfels Works |
Opus | Created | Title | Instrumentation |
Op. 1 | 1902/04 | 6 songs from poems by K. Wolfskehl, W. Wenghöfer, St. George | |
Op. 2 | Approx. 1903 | Songs in folk tone (Volkston) | |
Op. 3 | Approx. 1905 | “Falada”, fairytale opera by K.Wolfskehl | |
Op. 4 | Approx. 1905 | 6 songs
from Hölderlin, Hebbel, Hessel, Goethe, Der Knaben Wunderhorn (“The Boy’s Wonder Horn”) |
Op. 5 | 1907 | Bagatellen, for piano (9 piano pieces) | |
Op. 6 | 1906 |
“Der goldene Topf” (“The Golden
Pot”), opera fragment from E.T.A. Hoffmann’s fairytales |
Op. 7 | 1904-10 |
Fragmente eines “Federspiels”
(“Fragments of a Feather Games”),
from verses out of Knaben Wunderhorn for vocals and piano by W.B. and Bertel, born von Hildebrand Ries & Erler |
Op. 8 | 1906 | Hexensabbat (Sabbath of the witches) for piano and orchestra | |
Op. 9 | 1905 | Scherzo for 2 pianos | |
Op. 10 | 1906-08 | Exercises for piano | |
Op. 11 | 1909 | Music for the play “Was ihr wollt” (“What you want”) | |
Op. 12 | 1906-08 | “Prinzessin Brambilla” (Princess Brambilla), from E.T.A. Hoffmann | 3,2,1 E.H.,2,small bass.,2, double bass .F. - 4,3,3,1,- timpani, drums., harp, strings |
Op. 12b | 1906-08 | New version | |
Op. 13 | 1910 | "Nachklänge Beethovenscher Musik" - After-tones to Beethoven music, for middle range voice and piano (Brentano) | |
Op. 14 | 1909 | Music to Shakespeare’s Macbeth | |
Op. 15 | 1908-09 | Symphonic Variations about an old French children’s song | |
Op. 16 | 1912 | “Lyrischer Kreis” (“Lyrical Cycle”), 7 piano pieces | |
Op. 17 | 1909 | “Offenbarung Johannis” (“Revelation of Johannes”) for tenor-Solo, double choir plus large orchestra | |
Op. 18 | 1910 | Ariels Gesang (Arials singing) from Shakespeares’ Storm, for a small orchestra | |
Op. 19 | 1914 | Drei chinesische Gesänge (Three Chinese songs), for high vocals and orchestra | 3,2 (2.also Eng. .H.),3,2, - 4,2,3,1, harp, cello, timpani, drums, strings |
Op. 20 | 1910 | “Serenade” in Eb for a small orchestra | |
Op. 21 | 1911 | Piano concert A-major | |
Op. 22 | 1911 | Carnevals-Ouverture (Carnevals-Overture) to Princess Brambilla for a large orchestra | |
Op. 23 | 1910-12 | “Ulenspiegel”, oper from de Costers Roman | |
Op. 24 | 1913 (?) | Small piano piece for 4 Hands | |
Op. 25 | 1914-17 |
“Phantastische Erscheinungen
eines Themas von Berlioz” (“Fantastic Appearances of a Theme from Berlioz”) for a large orchestra |
Piccolo, 2,2,1 Eng. horn.,1 Eb-Klar.,2,1 bass clarinet.,3,1 Konr.F.,-4,3 (3. also Piston), 3, 1, -timpani, drums, harp, strings |
Op. 26 | 1915 |
“Auf ein Soldatengrab” (“On a
Soldier’s Grave”) from Hermann Hesse for baritone and orchestra |
Op. 27 | 1916-18 | Zwei Gesänge (Two songs for vocals) from Hölderlin for bass and orchestra (No. 1. An die Parzen; ) | |
Op. 28 | 1914-19 | Die Ammenuhr for boys choir and orchestra | 2,3,2,3-double bassoon - 4,3,1,0 - 2 harps, bells, piano and strings |
Op. 29 | 1916-17 | Drei Goethe-Lieder (Three Goethe-songs) | |
Op. 30 | 1913-19 | “Die Vögel”, (“The Birds”) from Aristophanes | 3,1,1engl.H,2,2, - 4,2,3,1,- timpani., drums, 2 harps, cello, strings |
Op. 31 | 1918-20 | Preludes and interludes for piano | |
Op. 32 | 1920-21 | Te Deum | for soprano-and solo tenor, choir and organ. 3x wood selection,- 4,3,3,1,- timpani., large Drum, harps, bells, organ, strings |
Op. 33 | 1921 | 14 Preludes for piano | |
Op. 34 | 1922-24 | “Don-Juan-Variations” for a large orchestra | 3x wood section and D clarinet and Contra F, - 4,3,3,1, - timpani, drums, harp, strings |
Op. 35 | 1921-23 |
“Don Gil von den grünen Hosen”
(“Don Gil from the green Trousers”) an opera to T. de Molina |
2,1+Eng..horn.,2,2 - 4,2,1, - drums., cembalo (ad lib), strings. Stage: 2 flutes., 1 clarinet, 1 bassoon. |
Op. 35b | Suite out of Op. 35 | ||
Op. 36 | 1922-25 | “Präludium und Fuge” (“Preludes and Fugue”) for large orchestra | 3,2,Eng..horn, d-clarinet, 2b-clarinets, bass-clarinets.2,-4,3,3,1,-timpani, drums, harp, strings. |
Op. 37 | 1923-26 |
“Große Messe” (“Large Mass”) for solo-quartet, boys choir, mixed choir, organ, large orchestra |
3, 2,Eng. horn, 3, bass clarinet, 3, double-bassoon, - 4,3,3,1, - timpani, drums, Harp, - strings. |
Op. 37b | Additionally to it Introitus and Graduale known as small mass. | ||
Op. 38 | 1927 | Concert for organ, boys choir, strings plus 4 brass players | 3 trombone, bass trombone, timpani, large drum, strings, - boys choir |
Op. 39 | 1927/28 |
“Der gläserne Berg” (“The Glass
Mountain”) (Christmas fairytale) lyrics from :Elsner-Örtel |
1,1,2,1, - 2,1,1,0, - timpani., drums, piano, harp, cello, strings |
Op. 39b | 1929 | “Orchestersuite from Der gläserne Berg” (“Orchestra from “The Glass Mountain””) | |
Op. 40 | 1924-29 | “Galathea”, opera by Sylvia Baltus | 2, 1, Eng .horn, 2, bass clarinet,2, - 4,2,2,0,- timpani, drums, harp, cello, strings |
Op. 41 | 1924-25 | 2 Männerchöre | |
Op. 42 | 1929 | Divertimento for radio-orchestra | |
Op. 43 | Two Christmas fairytales for a school orchestra | Lost work | |
Op. 43 | 1929-1954 | Toccata, Adagio und Fuge f-moll für Orgel | |
Op. 44 | 1933 / 34 | Tag und Nachtstücke für Orchester and Klavier | |
Op. 44 | 1932 ?? | 2 Hans Carossa-Lieder | |
Op. 45 | 1932/33 | “Adventskantate” (“Advents Cantata”) for baritone-solo, choir and orchestra | 2x-wood section, Eng.-horn, double bassoon, - 4, 3, 3, 1, - timpani. ,drums, organ, - strings |
Op. 46 | 1919-46 | Variations for 2 piano | |
Op. 47 | 1932/33 | “Schottische Phantasie” (“Scottish Fantasy”) for solo-viola and orchestra | 2x wood section and bass clarinet, - 4, 2, 1, 0. - timpani., harp –strings |
Op. 48 | 1933-36 | “Orchester-Suite e-Moll für grosses Orchester | |
Op. 49 | 1933-36 | ||
Op. 49 | Cello-Concert (Manuscript not completed) | ||
Op. 50 | 1933-35 | “Verkündigung” (“Proclamation”) a mystery from Paul Claudel | 3x wood section, - 4, 3, 3, 1, - timpani, drums, harp, cello, bells, - strings |
Op. 51 | 1934-37 | “Der Traum ein Leben” (The Dream one Life) on opera to Grillparzer : U.-Edition (since 1.1.2002) | 3x wood section 4, 3, 3, 1, - timpani, drums, harp, piano, cello, - strings |
Op. 52 | 1934-37 | “Weihnachtskantate” (“Christmas Cantata”) for soprano plus solo baritone, choir and orchestra | 2x wood section, Eng. horn, double bassoon, - 4, 3, 3, 1, - timpani, drums, - strings |
Op. 53 | 1935-36 |
“Die Gott minnende Seele”
(“The God courtly love end
soul”) to Mechthild v. Magdeburg |
1x wood section, bass clarinet, - 2, 1, 0, 0, - harp – really small violin section |
Op. 54 | 1936-43 | “Passionskantate” (“Passion Cantata”), for solo baritone, choir and orchestra | 2x wood section, Eng. h, double bassoon, - 4, 3, 3, 1, -timpani drums, - strings |
Op. 54b | 1938 | “Kleine Kette” (“Small Chain”) for Michael, 6 piano pieces | |
Op. 55 | (=op.54b?) | ||
Op. 56 | 1938-44 | Osterkantate (“Easter Cantata”) for soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra | (orchestrated like passions cantata.) |
Op. 57 | 1939-43 |
“Scenen aus dem Leben der
heiligen Johanna” (“Scenes from the life of the holy Johanna”), opera to the case files (own text). |
3,3,3,3 – Alto saxophone – 4,3,3,1 – timpani, drums, harps and strings, stage: 4 trumpets |
Op. 58 | 1918-42 | Romantische Gesänge (Romantic songs) for soprano and orchestra | 2x wood section,+ Engl. horn+ bass clarinet,- 4, 2, 3, 1, -harp, timpani, - strings |
Op. 59 | 1944 | “Der Tod der Kleopatra” (“The Death of Cleopatra”) scene for soprano and orchestra. | 2,1, + Eng. horn,+ alto saxophone, 2+bass clarinet, 2, - 4, 2, 2, 0, - timpani, harp - strings |
Op. 60 | 1944 | String quartet A-minor (Nr.1) | |
Op. 61 | 1944 | String quartet F-major (Nr.2) | |
Op. 62 | 1944/45 |
“Von der Liebe süß und bittrer
Frucht” (“From the Life of Sweet and Bitter Fruit”) Japanese vocals for soprano and orchestra |
2, 1+Eng.horn, 2+ bass clarinet, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 0, - timpani, harp drums - strings |
Op. 63 | 1944/45 | String quintet F# -minor | |
Op. 63a | Symphonie für Streicher in fis-Moll | ||
Op. 64 | 1946 | Concert piece for piano and orchestra C#-minor | 2x wood section, - 4, 2, 0, 0, - timpani, drums, strings |
Op. 65 | 1952 |
“Trauer, Tanz- und Werbelieder”
(sadness, dance and recruit songs) for coloratura - soprano, chamber choir, chamber orchestra and cembalo |
Op. 66 | ??? | ||
Op. 67 | 1946/47 | String quartet E-minor (Nr.3) | |
Op. 68 | 1947 | Konzert für Solo-Violine, Solo-Viola, 2 Hörner und Streichorchester | |
Op. 69 | 1948 | “Symphonia brevis” (“Symphony bevis”) for orchestra | 2x wood section, - 4, 1, 3, 0, - timpani, drums, harp, - strings |
Op. 70 | 1950/51 | “Hebridentänze” (“Hebrides Dance”) for piano and orchestra | 2, 1+Eng.horn, 2, 2, - 4, 2 bass trombrone,1, - timpani, drums harp, - strings – piano solo |
Op. 71 | 1951/52 | “Der Zauberlehrling” (“The Magic Apprentice”) dance ballade for the television | |
Op. 72 | 1938/54 |
Das Spiel von der
Auferstehung des Herrn
(“The Game of the Resurrection of the Lord”). From the Alsfelder Passionspiel (Alsfields’ Passion Game), arranged by Hans Reinhart |
2 (also piccolo), 1(also Eng. horn), 1, 2, - 0, 2, 1, 0, - timpani, drums, chimes, organ, harp, piano, strings |
Herbstgefuhl |