Leopold Kozłowski (en yiddish : לעאָפּאָלד קאָזלאָװסקי), né le 26
novembre 1918 à Przemyślany non loin de Lwów, pianiste, compositeur, chef
d'orchestre. Représentant de la tradition klezmer en Pologne, surnommé le
« dernier klezmer de Galicie ».
Leopold Kozłowski est le petit-fils de Pejsach Brandwein qui créa le plus
célèbre ensemble musical klezmer de Galicie avec ses nombreux fils. Le groupe se
produisait y compris devant les souverains d'Europe. Un des oncles de Leopold
Kozłowski, le clarinettiste Naftule Brandwein, propagea aux États-Unis la
tradition klezmer.
Leopold Kozłowski termina des études musicales de piano au conservatoire de
musique de Lwów en 1941 et de chef d'orchestre dans la Haute-école de musique de
Cracovie. Fonda et dirigea pendant 23 ans l'Ensemble de chants et de danses
de Cracovie. Fut le directeur musical du Théâtre juif de Varsovie, du
groupe tsigane Roma, consultant musical du groupe folklorique polonais
Rzeszowiacy. Composa la musique de plusieurs films dont Austeria
réalisé par Jerzy Kawalerowicz (1983). Il joua dans le film La liste de
Schindler de Steven Spielberg dont il fut le consultant musical pour la
musique du ghetto. Il travailla sur la version polonaise de la comédie musicale
Un violon sur le toit. Il se produisit en tournées en Europe, aux
États-Unis, en Israël. Aujourd'hui encore il joue, dans le quartier de Kazimierz
The last klezmer: A Holocaust survivor's musical revenge
Leopold Kozlowski, 94, is a cultural figure in Poland, where he is known as 'the
last klezmer.'
Ofer Aderet, Sep. 21, 2012
There has been a revival of klezmer music, but genuine klezmorim, from before
the war, are few and far between, making Kozlowski's sobriquet an accurate one
as well as the title of a 1994 documentary, "The Last Klezmer: Leopold Kozlowski,
His Life and Music."
"I'm the last klezmer who stayed real and with a Jewish soul," he says. "The
others are new, with chords and a different harmony, musicians who profess to be
klezmorim but play modern music," he says. "Genuine Jewish music isn't a melody
- it's a story, the story of what is in the heart."
He tells the young musicians he teaches in Krakow to keep the sheet music at
a distance and their instruments close to them. "In Jewish music the notes are
in the heart, the heart will tell you how to play," he says.
It is difficult to believe that behind this joyful, colorful, vivacious man
is a story so sad, difficult and convoluted. Kozlowski, whose original name was
Kleinman, was born in the Polish town of Przemyslany, near Lviv (now in Ukraine,
and spelled Peremyshliany ), in 1924. His grandfather Pesach Brandwein was a
famous klezmer. His father, Zvi, and Zvi's 11 brothers were also musicians. "They
even appeared before Kaiser Franz Joseph," Kozlowski boasts.
Kozlowski's brother Yitzhak-Dulko was a gifted violinist. "Were he alive
today he would be known worldwide," he says. When they were teenagers, he
relates, Dulko won first place in a music competition for the entire Lviv
province. Kozlowski took second place.
The Book of Klezmer
The History, the Music, the Folklore
Yale Strom
After the war he settled in Krakow where he married and raised his daughter.
For 23 years he was the conductor and musical director of a military orchestra.
He has composed music for films and the theater, and even acted in "Schindler's
What is it like for a Jew his age, a Holocaust survivor, to live in Poland?
"My father, my brother, my whole family lie in this soil, I cannot leave them."
How long will he continue to play?
"Music is my revenge, my life, I intend to keep playing to the last moment."
Directed by Yale Strom
Produced by
Leopold Kozlowski
The Last Klezmer
Global Village Music
Leopold Kozlowski
The Last Klezmer of Galicia, Jewish songs
Klezmer Hois