Wo bist du? trunken dämmert die Seele mir | Where are you? Where are you? Drunkenly, my soul awakens |
[Von all deiner]* Wonne; denn eben ist's, | from all your pleasures, I harken now, |
Daß ich gelauscht, wie goldner Töne | to the golden sounds |
Voll der entzückende Sonnenjüngling | as the enchanting sunbathed-boy |
Sein Abendlied auf himmlischer Leier spielt'; | plays his evening-song on the heavenly lyre. |
Es tönten rings die Wälder und Hügel nach. | His song rings through the tinted hills and forests, |
Doch fern ist er zu frommen Völkern, | though he is far away from the good folk, |
Die ihn noch ehren, hinweggegangen. | who still honor him in his absence. |
* Cornelius: "nach allen deinen"
Translated to English by John H. Campbell