Mieczysław Weinberg Symphony No. 8, Op. 83 "Tveti Pol'shi" (Polish Flowers) Julian Tuwim, Lyricist Naxos 8.572873 Ewa Marciniec, alto * Magdalena Dobrowolska, soprano * Rafal Bartminski, tenor ** Warsaw Philharmonic Choir Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra Antoni Wit 58:33 |
I. Podmuch wiosny (Gust of Spring) | 3:57 |
II. Baluckie dzieci (Children of Bałuty) ** | 4:02 |
III. Przed stara chata (In Front of the Old Hut) ** | 3:59 |
IV. Byl sad (There was an Orchard) * | 5:13 |
V. Bez (Elderberry) ** | 3:16 |
VI. Lekcja (Lesson) | 7:33 |
VII. Warszawskie psy (Warsaw Dogs) ** | 5:44 |
VIII. Matka (Mother) ** | 6:24 |
IX. Sprawiedliwosc (Justice) | 6:14 |
X. Wisla plynie (The Vistula flows) ** | 12:11 |
A product of Mieczysław Weinberg’s remarkable burst of creativity in the 1960s, the Eighth Symphony uses texts drawn from Julian Tuwim’s epic poem Polish Flowers which reflect on Poland’s troubled past and ominous future. Social inequities, poverty, cruelty in times of war and a final luminous vision of hope are eloquently expressed in one of Weinberg’s most personal and powerful artistic statements.