Mieczyslaw Weinberg
8 Décembre 1919 à Varsovie (Pologne)
26 Février 1996 à Moscou (Russie)



Liste des Œuvres par Opus

Opus 1: Lullaby for piano (1935)

Opus 2: String Quartet No. 1 (1937) (cf. Op.141)

Opus 3: String Quartet No. 2 (1940) (cf. Op.145)

Opus 4: "Acacias", six romances after J. Tuvim for singer and piano (1940)

Opus 5: Piano Sonata No. 1 (1940)

Opus 6: Symphonic Poem for orchestra (1941)

Opus 7: Three Romances after J. Rivina and A. Prokofiev (1941)

Opus 8: Piano Sonata No. 2 (1942)

Opus 9: Aria for string quartet (1942)

Opus 10: Symphony No. 1 (1942)

Opus 11: Capriccio String Quartet (1943)

Opus 12: Sonata No. 1 for violin and piano (1943)

Opus 13: Children's Songs after I. Perez for singer and piano (1943)

Opus 14: String Quartet No. 3 (1944) (cf. Op.147)

Opus 15: Sonata No. 2 for violin and piano (1944)

Opus 16: Children's Notebook for piano No. 1 (1944)

Opus 17: Jewish Songs after S. Halkin (1944)

Opus 18: Piano Quintet (1944)

Opus 19: Children's Notebook for piano No. 2 (1944)

Opus 20: String Quartet No. 4 (1945)

Opus 21: Sonata No. 1 for cello and piano in C Major (1945)

Opus 22: Three Romances after A. Mickiewich for singer and piano (1945)

Opus 23: Children's Notebook for piano No. 3 (1945)

Opus 24: Piano Trio (1945)

Opus 25: Six Romances after F. Tutchev for singer and piano (1945)

Opus 26: Suite for small orchestra (1939-1945)

Opus 27: String Quartet No. 5 (1945) (cf. Op.151)

Opus 28: Clarinet Sonata (1945)

Opus 29: Twelve Miniatures for flute and piano (1946)

Opus 29 bis: Twelve Miniatures for flute and string orchestra (1945 - 1983)

Opus 30: Symphony No. 2 for string orchestra (1946)

Opus 31: Piano Sonata No. 3 (1946)

Opus 32: Elegy after F. Schiller for baritone and piano (1946)

Opus 33: Six Sonettes after W. Shakespeare for bass and piano (1946)

Opus 34: Twenty-One Easy Pieces for piano (1946)

Opus 35: String Quartet No. 6 (1946)

Opus 36: "Festive Scenes" for orchestra (1946-1947)

Opus 37: Violin Sonata No. 3 (1947)

Opus 38: Four Romances after M. Ryslky and G. Nikolayeva for singer and piano (1947)

Opus 39: Violin Sonata No. 4 (1947)

Opus 40: Two Ballet Suites for orchestra (1947)

Opus 41: Sinfonietta No. 1 (1948)

Opus 42: Concertino for violin and string orchestra (1948)

Opus 42a: Concertino for violin and string orchestra (1948) (Piano reduction) TOCC0188

Opus 43a: Concertino for cello and orchestra in C minor (1948)

Opus 43: Concerto for cello and orchestra in C minor (1948)

Opus 44: Greetings Overture for orchestra (1949)

Opus 45: Symphony No. 3 (1949) Revised in 1959

Opus 46: Sonatina for violin and piano in D major (1949)

Opus 47 No. 1: Rhapsody on Moldavian Themes for orchestra (1949)

Opus 47 No. 2: "Polish Tunes" for orchestra (1949)

Opus 47 No. 3: "Rhaspsody on Moldavian themes" for violin and piano (1949)

Opus 47 No. 3: "Rhaspsody on Moldavian themes" for violin and orchestra (1949)

Opus 47 No. 4: Serenade for orchestra (1952)

Opus 48: String Trio (1950)

Opus 49: Sonatina for piano (1951)

Opus 49b: Sonata for piano (Op. 49 rev. 1978)

Opus 50: "At the Source of the Past", songcycle after A. Blok for mezzo-soprano and piano (1951)

Opus 51: "In the Homeland", cantata after poems of Soviet children for boys-alto, boys chorus, mixed chorus and orchestra (1952)

Opus 52: Fantasy for cello and orchestra (1951-1953)

Opus 53: Violin Sonata No. 5 (1953)

Opus 54: Partita for piano (1954)

Opus 55: "The Golden Key", ballet in six scenes after A. Tolstoi opus 55 (1954-1955) (Burratino, Das goldene Schüssenchen - Die Abenteuer des Pinocchio)

Opus 55A: Suite No. 1 from the ballet "The Golden Key" (1964)

Opus 55B: Suite No. 2 from the ballet "The Golden Key" (1964)

Opus 55C: Suite No. 3 from the ballet "The Golden Key" (1964)

Opus 55D: Suite No. 4 from the ballet "The Golden Key" (1964)

Opus 56: Piano Sonata No. 4 in B minor (1955)

Opus 57: "Bible of the Gypsies", seven romances after J. Tuvim for mezzo-soprano and piano (1956)

Opus 58: Piano Sonata No. 5 (1956)

Opus 59: String Quartet No. 7 (1957)

Opus 60: "Morning-Red", symphonic poem for orchestra (1957)

Opus 61: Symphony No. 4 in A minor (1957) Revised in 1961

Opus 62: "Memories" after J. Tuvim for middle-voice and piano (1957-1958)

Opus 63: Sonata for cello and piano No. 2 in G minor (1958-1959)

Opus 64: "The White Chrysantheme", ballet in three acts after A. Rumnev and J. Romanovich (1958)

Opus 65: "In the Armenian Mountains" after O. Tumanian for singer and piano (1958)

Opus 66: String Quartet No. 8 (1959)

Opus 67: Concerto for violin and orchestra in G minor (1959)

Opus 68: Symphonic Songs for orchestra (1959) First version in 1951

Opus 69: Sonata for two violins (1959) TOCC0188

Opus 70: Iz poezii Sandor Petöfi, song cycle for medium voice. 

Opus 71: Seven Romances after various poets for singer and piano (1960)

Opus 72: Sonata No. 1 for cello solo (1960)

Opus 73: Piano Sonata No. 6 (1960)

Opus 74: Sinfonietta No. 2 for string orchestra and timpani (1960)

Opus 75: Concerto for flute and string orchestra (1961)

Opus 76: Symphony No. 5 in F minor (1962)

Opus 77: "Old Letters" after J. Tuvim for soprano and piano (1962)

Opus 78: Three romances after V. Sosnora, J. Vinokurov and A. Yashin for singer and piano (1962)

Opus 79: Symphony No. 6 after L. Kvitko, S. Galkin and M. Lukonin for boys' chorus and orchestra (1962-1963)

Opus 80: String Quartet No. 9 (1963)

Opus 81: Symphony No. 7 in C major for strings and harpsichord (1964)

Opus 82: Sonata No. 1 for violin solo (1964)

Opus 83: Symphony No. 8 "Flowers of Poland" after J. Tuvim for tenor, mixed chorus and orchestra (1964)

Opus 84: "Oh, Grey Fog", romance after J. Tuvim for bass and piano (1964)

Opus 85: String Quartet No. 10 (1964)

Opus 86: Sonata No. 2 for cello solo (1965)

Opus 87: "The Diary of Love", cantata after S. Vygodski for tenor, boys' chorus and chamberorchestra (1965)

Opus 88: "The Profile", songcycle after S. Vydodski for bass and piano (1965)

Opus 89: String Quartet No. 11 (1965-1966)

Opus 90: "Words in Blood", songcycle after J. Tuvim for tenor and piano (1965)

Opus 91: "Piotr Plaksin", cantata after J. Tuvim for tenor, alto and nineteen instruments (1965)

Opus 92: "Hiroshima", cantata after Fukagava for mixed chorus and orchestra (1966)
Included in Opus 96: Requiem (Mvt. IV)

Opus 93: Symphony No. 9 "Everlasting Times" after J. Tuvim and V. Bronievsky for narrator, chorus and orchestra (1940-1967)

Opus 94: Concerto for trumpet and orchestra in B flat major (1966-1967)

Opus 95: Sonata No. 2 for violin solo (1967)

Opus 96: Requiem for children's chorus, mixed chorus and orchestra (1965-1967)
after Dmitriy Kedrin (1907 - 1945), Federico García Lorca (1898 - 1936), Mikhail Dudin (1916), Munetosi Fukagava (1921–2008, surviving Hiroshima).
Mvt. IV is "Hiroshima", Opus 92

Opus 97: "Passazhirka" (The Passenger), opera in two acts (1967-1968)

Opus 98: Symphony No. 10 in A minor (1968)

Opus 99: "Triptychon" after L. Staff for bass and orchestra (1968)

Opus 100: Twenty-four Preludes for cello solo (1968)

Opus 101: Symphony No. 11 "Festive Symphony" after various revolutionary poets for chorus and orchestra (1969)

Opus 102: "Nobody did have known ......", poem after D. Bedny for soprano, chorus and orchestra (1970)

Opus 103: String Quartet No. 12 (1969-1970)

Opus 104: Concerto for clarinet and string orchestra (1970)

Opus 105: "The Madonna and the Soldier", opera in three acts afrter A. Medvedev (1970)

Opus 106: Sonata No. 3 for cello solo (1971)

Opus 107: Sonata No. 1 for viola solo (1971)

Opus 108: Sonata for double-bass solo (1971)

Opus 109: "The Love of d'Artagnan", opera after A. Dumas (1971)

Opus 110: "When I sing this child asleep", congcycle after G. Mistral for soprano and piano (1973)

Opus 111: "I congratulate (Mazel Tov)", opera in one act after S. Alechem (1975)

Opus 112: "Lady Magnesia", opera in one act after G.B. Shaw (1975)

Opus 113: Six Ballet Scenes for orchestra (1973-1975)

Opus 114: Symphony no. 12 (1975-1976)

Opus 115: Symphony no. 13 (1976)

Opus 116: "From the Lyrics of Shukovsky", song cycle after V. Shukovsky for bass and piano (1976)

Opus 117: Symphony No. 14 (1977)

Opus 118: String Quartet No. 13 (1977)

Opus 119: Symphony No. 15 "I Believe in This Earth" after M. Dudin for soprano, baritone, women's chorus and orchestra (1977)

Opus 120: "Three Palmtrees" after M. Lermontov for soprano and string quartet (1977)

Opus 122: String Quartet No. 14 (1978)

Opus 121: Sonata No. 2 for cello solo (1978, Revised version of Opus 86, Sonata No. 2 for cello solo)

Opus 123: Sonata No. 2 for viola solo (1978)

Opus 124: String Quartet No. 15 (1979)

Opus 125: "From the Lyrics of Baratinsky", songcycle after J. Baratinsky for bass and piano (1979)

Opus 126: Sonata No. 3 for violin solo (1979)

Opus 127: Trio for flute, harp and viola (1979)

Opus 128: "The Portrait", opera in eight scenes after N. Gogol (1980)

Opus 129: The Golden dress, operetta (1980)

Opus 130: String Quartet No. 16 (1981)

Opus 131: Symphony no. 16 (1981)

Opus 132: Pamiatka (The Relic, Souvenir) recitative for bass and piano sur un texte de Elzbieta Szemplinska (1981)

Opus 133: Sonata for bassoon solo (1981)

Opus 134: "From Afanasy Fet's Poetry", songs for bass and piano (1981)

Opus 135: Sonata No. 3 for viola solo (1982)

Opus 136: Sonata No. 4 for viola solo (1982)

Opus 136b: Sonata No. 6 for violin and piano (1982)

Opus 137: Symphony No. 17 "Memory" (1982-84)

Opus 138: Symphony No. 18 "War, there is no word more cruel" (1982-84)

Opus 139: Six Children's Songs for voice and piano (1947, revised 1984)

Opus 140: Sonata No. 4 for cello solo (1986)

Opus 141: String Quartet No. 1 (1986) Recomposition of opus 2

Opus 142: Symphony No. 19 "The Bright May" (1986)

Opus 143: "The Banners of Peace", symphonic poem (1986)

Opus 144: "The Idiot", opera after F. Dostoyevsky (1985)

Opus 145: Chamber Symphony No. 1 (1987)

Opus 145: String Quartet No. 2 (1987) Recomposition of opus 3

Opus 146: String Quartet No. 17 (1987)

Opus 147: Chamber Symphony No. 2 (1987)

Opus 147: String Quartet No. 3 (1987) Recomposition of opus 14

Opus 148: Flute Concerto No. 2 (1987)

Opus 149: "Peace to the nations", vocal symphonic poem for boy's choir and orchestra (1988)

Opus 150: Symphony No. 20 (1988)

Opus 151: Chamber Symphony No. 3 (1991)

Opus 151: String Quartet No. 5 (1987) Recomposition of opus 27

Opus 152: Symphony No. 21 "Kaddish" for soprano (wordless) and orchestra (1991)
dedicated to the memory of the Jews who perished in the Warsaw Ghetto, Vainberg donating the manuscript to the Yad VaShem memorial in Israel.

Opus 153: Chamber Symphony No. 4 (1992)

Opus 154: Symphony No. 22 (unfinished) (1994) Piano part and partial orchestration (completed by Kirill Umansky)


Liste des Œuvres sans Opus

Songs and small-scale orchestration for the Jewish Theater (Warsaw, before 1939)

Two Mazurkas for piano (1933) Grand Piano GP603

Three Pieces for violin and piano (1934) TOCC0188

Comrades In Arms, operetta (1942)

Clarette's Career, operetta (1942)

Battle for the Fatherland, ballet (1942)

The Sword of Uzbekistan, opera (1942 (with T. Dzhalilov, A. Klumov, and T. Sadykov)

Fantasy on themes from Adolphe Adam's opera Le Chalet for orchestra (1945)

From Childhood (adaptation for orchestra from Children's Notebooks, 1944-5) Op. 16 et Op.19 Capriccio C5366

Sonata movement for violin and piano (1944) TOCC0188

Six Children's Songs for voice and piano (1947)

Two Songs Without Words for violin and piano (1947) TOCC0188

Two Choruses for male choir a capella (1948)

Five pieces for flute and piano (1947) Innova 935
1. Landscape
2. First Dance
3. Second Dance
4. Melody
5. Third Dance

U.S. premiere, September 2-3, 2014
Gould Rehearsal Hall, Lenfest Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, 1616 Locust Street, Philadelphia
Mimi Stillman, flute; Charles Abramovic, piano
Dolce Suono Ensemble - About “Russia Revisited”

Five Pieces for Flute and Piano was premiered in1948 just before the purge, but the score languished in the archive of the St. Petersburg State Conservatory (Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory)
for around 60 years before it was discovered by Bret Werb, musicologist at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
When I consulted Mr. Werb while doing research for Dolce Suono Ensemble's project on the music of the Holocaust in November 2011, he gave me a facsimile he had made of the score of Weinberg's piece.
The score is a hand-written publication of the Union of Soviet Composers, and is just a full score. Charles Abramovic extracted the flute part for me.
I am grateful to Bret Werb for introducing me to this beautiful and historically interesting music, and am honored to be giving the United States premiere of the Weinberg on Dolce Suono Ensemble's "Russia Revisited" concert.
© Mimi Stillman

Portraits of Friends for piano (Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Myaskovsky, Shebalin, Khachaturian) (1950)

Rhapsody on Slavonic Themes for orchestra (1950)

Suite for orchestra (not numbered) (1950) Naxos 8.573565

Improvisation for string quartet (1950) Accord ACD298-2

Suite for orchestra (not numbered; unpublished) (1950)

Suite for orchestra (not numbered; unpublished) (1951)

March for orchestra (1952)

Kujawiak and Oberek (Two Polish Folk Dances) for 2 xylophones and orchestra (1952)

Overture for orchestra (1953)

Suite from the film Twelve Months (1959)

Twelve Miniatures for flute and strings orchestra (from Opus 29, 1983) Naxos 8.573931